Seeky is a service that allows you to discover valid email addresses using only a first and last name. You can choose from hundreds of domains and different email formats, including combinations of name/first name with or without separators, initials, numbers, years, and more. Our service also verifies the presence of the email address on over 120 websites and finds associated information, such as Google accounts, probable location, Google reviews, last profile edit, and customized profile pictures.
To verify an email address, simply enter the first and last name, select the desired domain from the hundreds available, and choose your preferred format. Our service will handle finding and verifying the corresponding valid email addresses.
Seeky offers various email address formats, including combinations of first and last names with or without separators, initials, numbers, years, and more. This allows you to generate email addresses in the format that best suits your needs.
Our service uses advanced algorithms to search for the presence of the email address on over 120 websites. We also retrieve relevant information such as associated Google accounts, Google reviews, customized profile pictures, last profile edit, and probable location.
Yes, we take the security and privacy of your data very seriously. All searches and verifications are conducted in accordance with the highest security standards to protect your personal information.
Currently, Seeky does not offer bulk verification services. Our focus is on providing accurate and detailed verification for individual email addresses.
Seeky uses advanced search techniques to find Google accounts associated with the verified email address. We can retrieve information such as probable location, Google reviews, and customized profile pictures.
Yes, Seeky offers detailed statistics on verified email addresses, including information on the validity of addresses, their presence on different websites, and details associated with Google accounts.
Yes, Seeky is free to use. We currently do not offer any subscription plans or paid features.
If you encounter an issue with Seeky, please contact our support team. We are here to help and will do our best to resolve any problems as quickly as possible.
No, Seeky is not intended for spying, hacking, or harming any individual or entity. Our service is designed to provide valid email address verification and related information in a responsible and ethical manner.
Duplicates may occur because some domains ignore certain separators. Since each email domain has its own format rules, we need to stay generic to cover as many formats as possible and ensure compatibility with all the provided email domains.
If you have any other questions or concerns not covered in this FAQ, please contact our support team. We are here to help and answer all your questions.
Effortlessly discover valid email addresses and check across over 120 sites to find and verify associated Google account information.
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